Sales Restrictions
Qualified Users & Specimen Usage

Exclusively for Education & Research
Von Hagens Plastination restricts the sale of plastinates of human origin to qualified users. Specimens not of human origin are available to non-professionals.
Qualified Users
Qualified users are defined as institutions or individuals that use specimens exclusively for research and educational purposes or for medical, diagnostic and therapeutic education, including:
Qualified users verify their accreditation by completing an electronically-issued statement. In some instances, further documentation may be required.
Lay people are permitted to acquire Anatomy Glass, which is a true color print in original size and resolution from tissue-based Sheet Plastinates.
Select Blood Vessel Configurations (i.e. that do not contain any human tissue) can be purchased by non-professionals.
Specimen Usage & Transfer
Specimens of human origin, obtained through von Hagens Plastination via Anatomic Excellence, may be used only for the intended purpose stated before purchase (typically for teaching and research). Plastinates are intended to last generations. It is crucial that specimens are correctly cared for, properly stored, and used only for their intended purpose.
Specimens of human origin may not be sold to non-qualified users or distributed at no charge. Details for transfer of specimens are specified in the respective purchase or lease agreement.