Gubener Plastinate GbmH
Home to von Hagens Plastination

Groundbreaking Science
Gubener Plastinate GmbH (GuPla) was established in 2006 by the inventor of plastination, Dr. Gunther von Hagens, to further his development of the process and to ensure that specimens were dissected to the highest standards.
About Gubener Plastinate
Having invented plastination in 1977, Dr. von Hagens’ 2006 establishment of GuPla brought the plastination process and its practical presentation and exhibition under one roof. Encompassing 323,000 square feet, GuPla is home to the PLASTINARIUM museum, von Hagens Plastination (vHP) teaching specimens, and the BODY WORLDS exhibitions.
The mission of Gubener Plastinate is to advance the education of medical and health science practitioners through the dissemination of refined anatomical specimens.
All specimens processed at GuPla are ethically-sourced through the Institute for Plastination Body Donation Program and expertly prepared under the leadership of Dr. Gunther von Hagens and Dr. Vladimir Chereminskiy.
The PLASTINARIUM was designed to fulfill a personal goal of Dr. von Hagens: the democratization of anatomy study. As a living museum, the PLASTINARIUM activates state-of-the-art technology to create teaching aids and large-scale anatomical Plastinates that enrich, enlighten and empower all ages.
Visitors gain unique insights into the human body and explore the art of anatomical dissection and conservation as they navigate four areas: The History of Anatomy, The Learning Workshop, The Gallery, and The Showroom.

von Hagens Plastination (vHP)
VHP offers an extensive range of innovative anatomy teaching resources exclusively to education, medical and health research communities, including:
Anatomic Excellence is proud to serve as the only sanctioned agent of von Hagens Plastination in the US, Canada and the Caribbean.
BODY WORLDS exhibitions feature whole-body plastinates, individual organs, organ configurations, blood vessels and transparent body slices. Targeted primarily at a lay audience, the exhibitions aim to inspire visitors to explore the inner workings of the human body, become aware of their fragility, and to showcase the effects of healthy and unhealthy lifestyles.
On exhibit since 1995, they have attracted more than 50 million visitors in over 150 cities across America, Africa, Asia, and Europe.